Why Pure Performance Can Only Be Achieved with a New Exhaust

Many people buy a car because it is a necessity. To them, it is simply a means of getting from point to point in the most efficient manner and it's purely functional. For others, however, the car is a work of art and something to be enjoyed. They savour the opportunity to "hit the highway" at weekends as they experience their version of freedom. This latter group will often want to enhance the performance of their car or truck to give them even more pleasure and one area to look at is the exhaust system. How can this make a difference?

How the Exhaust Helps

Far from being simply a means of expelling waste gas, the exhaust pays a critical role in setting horsepower figures, achieving better fuel consumption and freeing up the engine to really perform. The standard system fitted to your car is perfectly acceptable for those who simply view the vehicle as a workhorse, but it's far from ideal for the enthusiast.

Overcoming Poor Techniques

When an exhaust system is first fabricated at the factory, rudimentary tools are used to bend it into shape, so that it conforms with the design of the vehicle. When this happens, the bend itself can become "crimped" or otherwise restricted, due to the tools used and this is not conducive to enhanced performance. However, aftermarket systems use a tool known as a mandrel, which fits into the pipe during the fabrication process and ensures that the interior diameter is always uniform.

Changing the "Boxes"

Of course, the pipes are only part of an exhaust system. Other components have a significant role to play in boosting its performance. Therefore, you need to consider upgrading the catalytic converter and silencer, if you're going to maximise your work.

One of these components helps to eliminate toxins from the atmosphere and the other one is meant to quieten the vehicle. Each one has different baffles within that can create a bottleneck and congestion, but upgraded components address this issue for performance gains.

Complete Replacement

An exhaust system that has any kind of restriction within, whether it be the two aforementioned "boxes" or fully fabricated pipes, will eventually cause a backup that pushes against the exit valves and severely affects overall engine performance. Consequently, it's best to replace the entire system from the manifold all the way to the back of the car to get rid of any restriction.

See whether a custom exhaust fabrication would enhance your love affair with your vehicle. Contact local experts to learn more about your options.
